Hi i am Marije, and i am a lover of designer handbags.


You can buy a bag in any color and size you desire, at every price range. My preference is for designer bags from brands like Chanel, Hermès, and Louis Vuitton. This is because they increase in value every year. How attractive is that? You buy your dream bag, and in about 5 years, it’s worth even more money. (Please note that this doesn’t apply to all models; read more about it in my article)

eBay auctions

Around the year 2008 I saw that many designer bags were being sold on Ebay every day. This was done by various companies. Mainly from Japan. They did this through the well-know eBay auctions, where sold every day. And especially from the brands Chanel,Hermès and Louis Vuitton. Because I also owned a number of these designer bags, this caught my attention.


I noticed that my Chanel bags were still worth just as much money or even more money. But my Gucci bags turned out to be a lot less valuable. I began studying the market, finding it fascinating to see which bag models sold well and which did not. I realized there was money to be made in the Netherlands. I purchased my first vintage Chanel bag in Japan, a haven for vintage items from famous designers such as Chanel, Hèrmes, Louis Vuitton and Gucci. And I sold this bag in the Netherlands for a few hundred euros more, on the Designer-Vintage platform, which is known to all fashion and sustainable lovers (unfortunately this platform no longer exists). That naturally left me wanting more. And so I started my first company THE PERFECT VINTAGE BAG in 2014. Buying and selling second-hand designer bags and accessories.


During this adventure, I met Romy Valstar at a Designer-Vintage fair where I was standing with my vintage bags. We got to talking and quickly discovered that she was just as passionate as I was about designer bags. Eventually, we decided to start business together, specializing in buying and selling vintage designer bags called TOUCHED.vintage. This company became increasingly busy and was becoming challenging for me to juggle with my family life. I stepped away from it in October 2022, and now it’s time for a new adventure. TOUCHED.vintage still has a fantastic selection of designer bags