The most expensive designer bag sold at auction

Hermès Birkin and Kelly bags rank among the most expensive second-hand designer bags globally. These bags are sold at well-known auction houses, such as Sotheby’s, Christies and Heritage Auctions. These auction houses regularly have handbags and accessories from the Hèrmes brand under the hammer. Christie’s and Sotheby’s also have Hèrmes bags for immediate purchase. The asking price for these bags is often more than 200% over the retail price.



These auction houses also regularly auction second-hand bags from the Chanel brand. However, these items seldom surpasses the retail price. The fashion house Chanel is doing its best to position their brand as firmly in the market as Hermès. The prices of Chanel bags have risen enormously in the past five years. The retail price of a Chanel timeless bag is now higher than an average Hermès Birkin Bag. This was not the case 5 years ago. The quality of a Chanel bag is not yet at the level of a Hermès bag. It’s time for Chanel to take the quality of their products to a higher level.



The Hermès Kelly Himalaya Crocodile Retournè is the rarest bag in the world. This bag was recently sold at Christie’s auction house for the astronomical amount of €460,000. According to experts, this Hermès Bag is more than just a fashion statement; it’s an unparalleled symbol of luxury. The quality of the Himalaya Kelly begins with the material, crafted from Niloticus crocodile skin. The hardware on this bag is 18- karat white gold, set with 229 diamonds weighing 9.56 carats. In 2021, this bag was sold at auction for €460,000. Its retail price is €175.000, but due to its extreme rarity, it holds much higher value on the resale market.The auction house sold this bag in 2021 for €460,000. Celebrity’s such as Kris and Kylie Jenner can proudly call themselves the fortunate owners of this bag.

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